Friday, 27 March 2015

Late-Night Ponderings


I'm in a blogging mood. There's something about the hour of 12:04 (AM..oops), being on my window seat, and listening to Ed Sheeran's (dreamy) acoustics which makes my brain go TRALALALA. So here we go.

Today was the last day of term (!!), coursework has been handed in and all my stress went with it. Kinda. It's certainly another thing out of the way, but it also means that now focus is on revising. Which makes things a lot more serious. I can feel it getting to that time again, the time of "Oh no exams are coming and I am totally unprepared once again"...but I will attempt to stay in my cocoon of obliviousness for as long as humanly possible. 

To add fun to the...never-ending fun, this year there are Uni deadlines also. So that means firm/insurance decisions, finance applications and sorting out accommodation. I've now got 2/3 of that out of the way, but I have yet to sort out where I'll be living- no biggie...right? In order to achieve optimum peacefulness, definitely get your firm choice decided asap, purely to get another thing off your mind (and also so that during moments of procrastination you can start googling pretty pictures of where you'll be going, eek.)

There's your incentive to pick a Uni, GO. No pressure though, you've officially got until around May 6th (check UCAS for more specific dates as it can depend).
Anyways, enough from me, I'm probably rambling and making no sense. SLEEP IS CALLING.

Let me know how you're getting on!

Anna x

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

"That's your life sorted then!"....Really?


I better keep this short as my mountain of school work is metaphorically building as every second goes by. 

More importantly, approximately 6 minutes ago I made Sheffield my firm choice on UCAS! I am probably the most indecisive person on ever, so clicking that tiny mouse button was a BIG deal which involved a LOT of deliberation. This is mainly due to UCAS telling me that "Once you have made your decision, you cannot change your mind"...Thanks for that, NOT SCARY AT ALL.

But regardless, I clicked that button with confidence -maybe- whilst Dad cheered "That's your life sorted then!" I wish.

Overall, a daunting and exciting few seconds which certainly required their own blog post. All round YAY's.

Just to prove that this isn't one big conspiracy..honest.