Writing blog posts on transport seems to be a recent habit of mine doesn't it?
I'm 6 hours in to a 7 hour train to wales and I am truly losing the will to LIVE. So what else to do but write a blog post?
This train was meant to take 4 and a half hours, but after loads of diversions and confusion, here I am, still miles and miles away from where I'm going (to see my family who are at our cottage in Harlech).
Obviously, its chucking it down. But to be honest, I dont mind, rainy Wales is when I'm truly at home (although I'd prefer a bit of sun).
My trip to Madrid with the spanish society was INCREDIBLE (pardon my enthusiasm), but we really did have the best time. It's such a beautiful city and sharing such a cool experience with new friends really made me appreciate the amazing opportunites which come with the whole 'going to uni' thing.
We ate ridiculous amounts of paella, discovered interesting spanish bars, saw a 'semana santa' procession (google it...) and even sunbathed.
Then I spent a nice few days with my Dad and Step-Mum back home, and now I'm back on the move again. (Sometimes I question whether I actually ever stay in one place for more than a few days). My step-mum is pregnant too, so I'm super excited to be a big sister (again!!).
But anyway I'm excited to spend some time with my family in Waaaeeels (did you read that in a Welsh accent??), after this dreaded train journey is over.
So far I've spilt mini eggs all over the floor, broken my suitcase and talked to a man for an hour who told me about his 12 horses and how he felt like a "nobody" in life. Interesting right? I do love speaking to new people though (I guess that would be an issue if not since I'm a journalism student). You can always learn things from new people and this particular guy told me to take every opportunity possible whilst I still could- he said he felt that he was getting too old now to truly do what he wants in life. He looked really nostalgic as he said that that particular feeling was "centuries away" for me.
I've carried about 6 different books with me on this train so maybe I should read at least one of them....But I guess the message of this blog post is to say 'yes' to everything you can, because as this man told me, one day you might not have such opportunities.
Anna x
Ps you can vote for me as Blogger of the Month here:
www.ucas.com/connect/blogs/voting x
I'm writing this post on a train to Leeds to see my friend, which is a definite new experience! Weirdly enough the last time I blogged on public transport was all those months ago when I was on a bus to school...on April 15th, to be exact. That was almost a year ago?!
So I just read that post back. (If you didn't see it you can read it here)
I remember so distinctly how worried I was about leaving my best friends. Upon reflection it has been harder and easier than I anticipated; harder in the way that nothing can prepare you for the shock apart from actually experiencing it....and easier in the way that I still see my friends a lot, and I've made some fab friends at Uni too.
Last weekend my friends and I all met up in Lincoln, as two of them are studying there. This was the first time that we've all met up in one of our uni cities, and we had the best time. It's really strange seeing some of your best friends in other groups, and "I can't believe you have other friends!!!" was a sentence used a lot whilst we were there.
I think that being apart for so long tightens your group so much when you all come back together.
One of the biggest worries for most people going to Uni is that they won't make friends, or at least won't make close friends. But in reality Uni is probably the easiest way to make friends- everyone's in the same boat and you're bound to click with someone.
Anyways- this is the last week before we break up for Easter! I'm going to Madrid next Monday with the Spanish Society which I'm really excited about, and after that I can't wait to get back home (and not have to worry about cooking tea and doing washing).
I was meant to spend this journey practicing my shorthand so I best get to it anyway. I did my 80 words per minute exam last week so I'm praying for a pass!
I hope everyone has a good Easter!
Anna x
P.s you can vote for me as Blogger of the Month here.
I haven't blogged in AGES, so this might be a long one. I'm so tired today after spending last night watching the 2007 Britain's got Talent final with my flatmate until 2:30am...don't even ask. So before my brain turns to mush I thought I would take the chance to write a new blog post.
Since my last post...I've had some super fun nights out (see picture for evidence), been working a lot of hours...and missing home a lot. My friend came to Sheff for a spontaneous visit recently which was really fun too (plus she gives the best cuddles).
Ooh I also passed my 60 words per minute shorthand exam with 100% accuracy which was a huge relief! I'll hopefully be taking the 80wpm this month, then 100 in April....and then 9ams will be a thing of the past. I can't wait.
In Corp...obviously |
My 'Uni babies' |
I'm also really enjoying my course at the moment, we've been given 'patches' to report on over the next few months. I picked the area of Sheffield where my Grandad grew up, in Pitsmoor. Since then I have discovered that it is in the top 1% of most deprived areas in the country, as well as having high gun crime rates! But hopefully that means that I'll be able to find some really exciting stories.
I'm also going to Madrid soon with the Spanish society which I'm super excited about! I should hopefully get a chance to practice some of my (very poor) Spanish...Also, the Uni has said that we're not allowed to go to Barcelona for Erasmus any more, so I've been looking at going to Madrid instead. The thought of spending 6 months in another country is REALLY daunting but I feel like it would be the best experience. I've got to apply for it soon so I guess that's quite a big decision to make.
I can't wait to go home for Easter, too. It has been an (occasionally) stressful and very busy 7 weeks and I can't wait to go home to some nice home comforts (aka my dogs). I think before going to Uni the expectation is that everything will always work out in the way that you want it to. When it doesn't exactly happen like that it is a bit of a shock, which in turn makes you miss being at home (even if your brother does drive you crazy).
I joined The Tab team recently (an online publication written by students) and my first article for them got 21,000 views which I was so happy about.
I've also just had an email saying I've won the Blogger of the Month comp for February! I haven't won it in a while so that really is exciting. Good things always happen when you write a blog post eh.
You can vote for me to win again next month here :)
Hope everyone's good! I'm sure it's all getting very real for you Year 13's now...I can't believe it's March already, this time last year seems so long ago. Enjoy having your washing done for you while it lasts!
Anna x